CoMAH Support

Control of Major Accident Hazards


OTECSA Consulting have experience assisting clients with their CoMAH Reporting requirements including:

When Worry About CoMAH?

The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 apply to any operator that exceeds certain thresholds for storage, production or processing of hazardous substances on their sites.  Depending on the amount of material present, the reporting requirements and obligations vary based on whether the operator is operating a:

As part of a site build or expansion where a CoMAH threshold will be breached, the oeprator must complete CoMAH notifications to the competent bodies, and then produce reports and documentation to demonstrate that their site operations will be as safe as reasonably practicable (the ALARP principle), as well as demonstrating that both the on site and off site risks have been considered.

OTECSA can help guide you through this challenging area of compliance, by providing CoMAH support to whatever level you need.